Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hello World.

What we are proposing is to create an interactive, real-time experience using a “college roadtrip” as the catalyst for audience interaction. Four students will travel for three days and act on audience suggestions. Polls will be generated in real time and offer users the opportunity to cast votes on what we do next.
On the road, we will be creating three main assets. Twitter will provide the audience with real-time textual updates, Qik with a live video stream, and flickr with geo-tagged photographs, updated hourly. These three components will be pushed to a central Web site where the audience can visually follow the progress of the trip as it happens. On the site, the audience will be able to respond to the current poll question and give their input on what we do next. Using Twitter, we will also send the audience updates via SMS messages so they can make suggestions without being near a computer. This provides a unique opportunity for the audience to submit their responses in real time wherever they are. Then, they can view the results at their leisure.
On the Web site there will be an abridged video created after each day, giving audience members another opportunity to see the content from the day in a short three minutes.
This is reality TV, live and interactive. You are the puppeteers, and we're the puppets. You steer, we drive.

If this intrigues you, start following us on twitter. Updates will be coming soon.

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